Hot and Spicy Braised Peanut Chicken

Hot and Spicy Braised Peanut Chicken

Number 9 of the crockpot challenge is my absolute favourite so far! I found the recipe via Pinterest on Better Home and Gardens.
Even when getting all the ingredients together for freezing it was the dish that had the best scent and it wasn’t even cooked yet! About three quart in the cooking time the aromas secretly crept from the pot to fill my nostrils and it was like a slice of heaven.
The hubby took the first bite – he does tend to run to the crockpot a lot lately – and made some sort of grunting noise. My heart skipped a beat, worried I messed up another full batch of food as with the Mac & Cheese mishap, had the delicious scent been too good to be true? After a moment he turned his back and I saw a big fat smile plastered over his face.
The chicken was extremely tender and the flavours had infused into the chunky sauce. Even though it is called hot and spicy I must admit it was neither really – but not in a bad way. If you wanted to spice it up, I am going to add a red pepper to it next time – or maybe increase the amount of red curry paste. An absolute winner, this dish, and one to be made in our home for many years to come I am sure of it!